依然是她- Vienna Teng,这个我很喜欢的美籍华裔歌手。极理性聪颖与感性温柔于一身的史逸欣,放弃美国西岸高科技产业,投身音乐创作与表演,希望能以歌声温暖每一个短暂相逢的陌路人。她澄澈古典的美声与丰富温柔的钢琴教美国乐评爱不释手。在温婉与神似梁永祺的外貌下,史逸欣有她对人世独到的洞察力:“每天我们与多少陌生人擦身而过,相逢是如此短暂,常常让我们误以为对方冷漠、疏离,写歌能让周围即便是陌生人也能感觉温暖。”
blue, blue caravan
winding down to the valley of lights
my true love is a man
who would hold me for 10,000 nights
in the wild, wild wailing wind
he’s a house in the soft yellow moon
so blue, blue caravan
won’t you carry me down to him, soon?
blue, blue caravan
wont you drive away all of these tears?
my true love is a man
that I haven’t seen in years
he said:
"go where you have to
for I belong to you until my dying day,"
so like a fool, blue caravan, I believed him
and I walked away
oh, my blue, blue caravan
oh, the highway is my great wall
my true love is man
who never existed at all
oh, he was a beautiful fiction
I invented to keep out the cold
and now my blue, blue caravan
I can feel my heart growing old
oh, my blue, blue caravan
I can feel my heart growing old...