【影片名称】:Debbie Does Dallas
【演员】:Bambi Woods, Arcadia Lake, Christie Ford, Robin Byrd, Rikki O'Neal, Jenny Cole, Georgette Saunders, Debbie Lewis, Kasey Rodgers, Hershel Savage, Eric Edwards, John Holmes, Merle Michaels, R. Bolla, David Morris, Jack Teague, Tony Mansfield, Ben Pierce, Peter Lerman, David Sutton
【验证码】:a9b77d44443f8dc4d6bac7ab30e947ba6c277b07 分块大小: 256 KB
【做种日期】:2008.4.10 当日如作种出现间断,请不要着急,保证24小时之内完种!
【种子期限】:5 种删档,不保种,请大家自觉做种,谢谢各位!
【内容简介】:曾获《最佳怀旧成人片》奖项……The Original, Uncut Classic! Eight gorgeous cheerleaders do anything and everything to get to the top of the dog-eat-dog world of pep rallies. Bambi Woods makes her blue screen debut in this best-selling classic……
