
[情色三级] 情色迷离夜1




"In these erotic tales of the unexpected, prepare to be aroused, entertained, seduced, thrown upside down and turned completely Inside Out! This provocative four-disc set features 35 sensual stories with surprising plot twist filled with fantasy, humor and intrigue. Journey with a female space pioneer as she programs a computer into the ultimate love machine; watch a beautiful earth woman break through cultural sexual barriers with an alien; a group of senior citizens discover the fountain of youth; a lonely couch potato wishes his favorite TV sex goddess to life; and much more!"

◎ 片  名:性爱完全手册 Inside Out (1992) IMDB:tt0104512
◎ 类  别:爱情/喜剧/剧情
◎ 导  演:Jeffrey Reiner ....(as Jeff Reiner)
      Lizzie Borden ....(episode "The Diaries") (episode "Shrink Rap")
      Adam Friedman ....(episode "Love the One You're With")
      Linda Hassani ....(episode "Life Is for the Taking")
      亚历山大·佩恩 Alexander Payne ....(episode "My Secret Moments")
      Tony Randel ....(episode "Brush Strokes") (episode "The Leda")
      Richard Shepard ....(episode "My Better Half")
◎ 编  剧:Larry Golin ....(written by) segment "Brush Strokes" &
      Robert Karstadt ....(written by) segment "Brush Strokes" and
      David Rupel ....(written by) segment "Shrink Rap" and
      Allison Adler ....(written by) segment "Doubletalk" and
      Peter Atkins ....(written by) segment "The Leda" &
      Tony Randel ....(written by) segment "The Leda" and
      亚历山大·佩恩 Alexander Payne ....(written by) segment "My Secret Moments" &
      Jim Taylor ....(written by) segment "My Secret Moments" and
      Kenneth Deifik ....(written by) segment "Life Is For The Taking" and
      Lizzie Borden ....(written by) segment "The Diaries" and
      Mark Haskell Smith ....(written by) segment "Love The One You're With" and
      Temple Mathews ....(written by) segment "My Better Half"
◎ 主  演:Julie Ambrose ....(segment "Brush Strokes")
      Gavin Atkins ....Charlie - segment "Life Is For The Taking"
      Terrence Atkins ....New Prisoner - segment "Life Is For The Taking"
      Parley Baer ....Elliott - segment "The Diaries"
      William Bumiller ....Jack (segment "Brush Strokes")
      Marie Chambers ....Terry's Female Half (segment "My Better Half")
      Chana Jael Chiesa ....(segment "My Secret Moments")
      乔·达拉山多 Joe Dallesandro ....Richard - segment "The Diaries"
      Trevor Goddard ....The Other Criminal (segment "The Leda")
      Beth Hogan ....Psychiatrist's Patient - segment "Shrink Rap"
      Neith Hunter ....Angela - segment "The Diaries"
      Marta Kober ....The Girl (segment "Doubletalk")
      Ken La Ron ....David - segment "The Diaries"
      Joseph Malone ....Terry (segment "My Better Half")
      Chuck Mavich ....Lover - segment "Shrink Rap"
      Scott Mitchell ....(segment "Love the One You're With")
      Mark Pellegrino ....Jack - segment "Doubletalk"
      Lisa Rafel ....Voice of the Walker (segment "The Diaries")
      Sherrie Rose ....Bethany (segment "The Leda")
      Rachel Ryan ....(segment "Love The One You're With") (as Serina Robinson)
      Kimberly L. Ryusaki ....Linda (segment "Life Is For The Taking")
      Mimi Savage ....(segment "Brush Strokes")
      John Solari ....Eddie - segment "Life Is For The Taking"
      Cec Verrell ....The Psychiatrist (segment "Shrink Rap")
      Barbara Alyn Woods ....Terri (segment "Brush Strokes")
      Daniel Arthur Wray ....Prof. Fisher - segment "Brush Strokes"

◎ 其他中文片名:情色迷离夜1
◎ 其他外语片名:Inside Out: Tales of the Unexpected (USA)
◎ 时  长:89 min
◎ 格  式:430MB
◎ 地  区:美国
◎ 语  言:英语
◎ 分  级:美国:R

◎ 简  介:


[ 本帖最后由 cholee 于 2010-3-23 19:49 编辑 ]


030201.torrent (24.79 KB)BT资源

2010-3-2 13:58, 下载次数: 844

  • ouyangchu 金币 +30 辛苦啦! 2010-3-3 19:36
  • ouyangchu 金币 +20 辛苦啦! 2010-3-3 19:35


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