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标题: 【华丽哥特】Epica《Consign To Oblivion》 [打印本页]

作者: rammanson    时间: 2009-11-24 20:14     标题: 【华丽哥特】Epica《Consign To Oblivion》

how can we let this happen and
just keep our eyes closed 'till the end

the only thing that counts is the prosperity of today
most important to us is that our bills get paid

our good intentions have always been delayed

how can we let this happen and
just keep our eyes closed 'till the end
when we will stand in front of heaven's gate
it will be too late!

try to unlearn all that you've learnt,
try to listen to your heart
no, we can't understand the universe
by just using our mind
we are so afraid of all the things unknown

a must we appease is the lust to get laid
nothing really matters, just devouring our prey

our good intentions have always been delayed so
our generous acts have always come too late

how can we let this happen and
just keep our eyes closed 'till the end
when we will stand in front of heaven's gate
it will be too late!

try to unlearn all that you've learnt,
try to listen to your heart
no, we can't understand the universe
by just using our mind
we are so afraid of all the things unknown
we just flee into a dream that never comes true

low to the ground we feel safe
low to the ground we feel brave

oblivisci tempta quod didicisti

open your eyes; we're not in paradise
how can't you see, this stress is killing me
fulfil your dreams; life is not what is seems
we have captured time
so time made us all hostages without mercy
seemingly generous fooling ourselves,
selfishly venomous time tells
too much thinking goes at the cost of all our intuition
our thoughts create reality
but we neglect to be!
so we're already slaves of our artificial world
we shouldn't try to control life
but listen to the laws of nature
open your eyes; we're not in paradise
how can't you see, this stress is killing me
fulfil your dreams; life is not what is seems
we have captured time
so time made us all hostages without mercy

low to the ground we feel safe
low to the ground we feel brave
we all think we're generous
but we only fool ourselves
the only thing that matters is
our way and our vision

selfishly we're venomous
but you know the time tells us
there is more to life than our
higher positions, race for perfection
better, faster
we must return to the laws of the nature
free ourselves from madness



[ 本帖最后由 realleek 于 2009-11-24 20:20 编辑 ]
作者: kingofcg    时间: 2009-11-24 23:27

作者: yuanxyz1234567    时间: 2009-11-24 23:54

果然很不错 很大气的一首歌 必须得收藏了
作者: rey619    时间: 2009-11-26 10:33

确实很其实磅礴 楼主辛苦编辑居然支持的人这么少 红心送上
作者: ijlmijlm    时间: 2009-11-26 11:51

作者: 光之者王    时间: 2009-11-26 12:22

作者: cryfrog    时间: 2009-11-26 12:26

作者: tonyxingxing    时间: 2009-11-26 19:51

作者: edward286    时间: 2009-12-11 08:43

我还是喜欢cry for the moon!
作者: wxyjtlal008    时间: 2009-12-11 09:24

这个帖子发得真是不错 不知如何发呀?不吝赐教 楼主
作者: blackfish2001    时间: 2009-12-12 18:18


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