昨天开车听新闻,发现obama把F-22 kill了。 晚上回家细想来也是有些感慨地。
当年偶加入米军的时候,陆军宣传科曼奇,十字军, 空军宣传F-22, (偶水性比较差,所以没选海军 :-) ) 乍一看真的是高科技建军,感觉前途一片光明。
6年以后,当我从米军退役的时候,再一看,这些项目撤项的撤项,停产的停产。 而伊拉克15个月,我也是步行为主。 似乎也证明了一个道理: 以现在的科技水平还是无法取代人力。
无论是科曼奇, 十字军,还是F22的撤项和停产都不是因为落后,恰恰相反,而是因为高科技占用资源太多,其性价比又不符合反恐战争形势,所以最终被砍。
那么,问题就出来了,一:这两个国家有没有办法对付类F22的隐形战机? 从空战要素来看, 答案只有一个,只要F22 被发现, 那么其就是绝对被动。 毕竟F22在现在阶段表现出来的最大的优势是它的隐身性能,而且为了追求这种性能牺牲了太多的其他方面的性能。
二:这种隐身性能在中国和俄国的主场能不能发挥出作用来呢?这值得探讨。(毕竟没有实例做过例证)。至少个人认为,在中、俄这种国家的主场作战,借助于主场强大的防空、预警以及网络化的作战能力来说,f- 22隐身性能带来的优势要大打折扣。毕竟,f-22不是光学隐型,雷达隐型带来的效果也只不过是探测距离降低而已,那么这可以通过修建更多、更强的雷达站来解决。而且中俄都有战略纵深, F22不见得敢深入腹地. 真正的战争不可能按照米帝甚至F22的设计进行. 人多战略纵深大就是优势. 人多不是等同于人海战术. 全国联网协同作战是好主意 (而且中国军方很可能就是这么干的) 。另外超音速巡航逃跑仅仅对小国有用....查查F22的公开信息,超音速巡航1.7马赫的速度也只能维持5分钟,大约只有180公里...远远不能到达美国空军预期的20分钟 (~720km)。180公里于中国几乎没有意义, 如果是在中国领空。这等于f-22一旦被发现,剩下的问题就是如何逃命了。
况且,F22 昂贵的造价,高昂的维持费用,使得美国无法大量装备,其带来的数量劣势就更加明显。 178架战机能和3000余架他国战机抗衡么?就算如此,其滞空时间是他国战机的30倍么?这些都是无解的问题。(这也是伯伊德死后,战机黑手党成员批评F22政策的关键所在)。毕竟,从功能来看F22最好的作用是空中刺客,突防的时候刺杀几个防空的关键节点,剩下的任务交给F35以及三代机完成就可以了。养一支庞大的由昂贵的刺客组成的军团,当炮灰去消耗, 不是白痴就是脑残啊。。。
空军在反恐战争中的作用主要是侦察和轰炸。 F22 弹药内置,外挂炸弹会影响性能,这就使得F22不太容易象F15那样转换角色当轰炸机。另外又回到了钱方面(我越来越像 xiaoshenyangbj兄了),还是那句话,F22太贵了。一架3 亿美元。飞行一小时耗资5万美元,此外,飞行一小时需要30小时来维护,特别是那身可以隐形的蒙皮。最要命的是,从历史来看,一般的情况是飞机从研发到量产,因为技术的熟练,维修成本会降低,可是F22没有这个趋势,反而有升无降!。。。面对反恐战争中大量没有防空能力的目标,不需要超音速巡航投放灵巧炸弹,不需要隐形性能,这种低级的活什么飞机都能干(现在是A10,F16)。干吗非用 F22? 既然如此,既然打反恐,而不是和中俄干是第一要务。 为什么还要用有限的资金继续生产F22而不是进一步武装A-10或者F16呢?
回顾历史, 砍 F-22的事情自拉姆斯菲尔德(此人就是科技无敌论的代表,宁愿花200亿给TMD,也不愿意给现役军人涨2%的工资)下台后, 小布什政府就开始了。当然,那时候空军反对,军工利益集团反对,国会反对,然后枪手出来炒作中国威胁论,F-22混过了第一关。
进入奥巴马时代后,盖茨得到了奥的支持, 撤了空军两名最高指挥官的职。 加上舆论造势。 外加上经济危机相助,废F22派开始占优势。但是毕竟牵涉面太广,全美国很多州有关联。军工集团也造势,一下子国会就闹起来了,强迫国防部即使不要也得继续买。这里面支持F-22的民主党共和党都有,民主党是想保住工人的工作,共和党是想维持美国的军事优势。(民主党大佬肯尼迪和克里站在了保F-22这一派。共和党的McCain,奥巴马的竞争者,这次和奥站在了同一个战壕里,是坚定的反F-22派。)
到后来,盖茨公开强调中国远远不是对手,中国威胁论没有意义。奥巴马则公开威胁否决国会的法案。 软硬兼上,才正式废了F22。
说到底, 飞机属于常规武器(conventional weapon), 作为一款主力战机,必须耐用,经济,大规模生产。而且可以大批量长期使用才可以。 这也是为什么F16 造了2500架,而F15只有不到700架,同样,F22比F15也无法完成这些要求,于是不到200架就停止了。 对于它来说, 战略型武器 (strategic deterrence weapon)也许是更好的命运,而不是他制造者给它订的战术型武器(tactical weapon) . 仅此而已。
By JIM ABRAMS, Associated Press Writer Jim Abrams, Associated Press Writer
– Wed Jul 22, 12:11 am ET
WASHINGTON – The Senate voted Tuesday to halt production of the Air Force'smissile-eluding F-22 Raptor fighter jets in a high-stakes showdown over President Barack Obama's efforts to shift defense spending to a new generation of smaller F-35 Joint Strike Fighters.
The 58-40 vote reflected an all-out lobbying campaign by the administration, which had to overcome resistance from lawmakers confronted with the potential losses of defense-related jobs if the F-22 program was terminated.
"The president really needed to win this vote," Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin, D-Mich., said. Levin said it was important not only on the merits of the planes but "in terms of changing the way we do business in Washington."
The top Republican on the committee, John McCain of Arizona, agreed that it was "a signal that we are not going to continue to build weapons systems with cost overruns which outlive their requirements for defending this nation."
Supporters of the program cited both the importance of the F-22 to U.S. security interests — pointing out that China and Russia are developing planes that can compete with it — and a need to protect aerospace jobs in a bad economy.
Defense Secretary Robert Gates and other Pentagon officials have determined that production of the F-22, which has not been used in Iraq and Afghanistan , should be stopped at 187 planes in order to focus on the F-35, which would also be available to the Navy and Marine Corps.
Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, countered that the F-35 is designed to supplement, not replace, the F-22, "the "NASCAR racer of this air dominance team." Supporters of the F-22 have put the number needed at anywhere from 250 to 380.
The defense bill has funds to build 30 F-35s. The plane is currently being produced in small numbers for testing purposes. The single-engine plane will eventually replace the venerable F-16 and the Air Force's aging fleet of A-10s. Its primary purpose is to attack targets on the ground.
The twin-engine F-22 Raptor is a jet the Air Force would use for air-to-air combat missions.
McCain said the voting margin of victory was "directly attributable" to Obama, his opponent in the last presidential election, and Gates, who has pushed for termination of the F-22 and other weapons systems he says have outlived their usefulness.
The vote removed $1.75 billion set aside in a $680 billion defense policy bill to build seven more F-22 Raptors, adding to the 187 stealth technology fighters already built or being built.
The Senate action also saved Obama from what could have been a political embarrassment. He had urged the Senate to strip out the money and threatened what would have been the first veto of his presidency if the F-22 money remained.
Immediately after the vote, Obama told reporters at the White House the Senate's decision would "better protect our troops."
White House officials said Vice President Joe Biden and chief of staff Rahm Emanuel lobbied senators, as did Gates.
Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell said Tuesday that spending on the stealth fighter would "inhibit our ability to buy things we do need," including Gates' proposal to add 22,000 soldiers to the Army.
"I've never seen the White House lobby like they've lobbied on this issue," said Republican Sen. Saxby Chambliss of Georgia, an F-22 supporter whose state would be hit hard by a production hutdown.
According to Lockheed Martin Corp., the main contractor for both planes, 25,000 people are directly employed in building the F-22, and an additional 70, 000 have indirect links, particularly in Georgia, Texas and California.
Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., a strong backer of the program, said his state stood to lose 2,000 to 4,000 jobs if F-22 production ended.
Levin suggested that some workers might be shifted to F-35 production. "We have to find places for people who are losing their jobs," he said.
The House last month approved its version of the defense bill with a $369 million down payment for 12 additional F-22 fighters. The House Appropriations Committee last week endorsed that spending in drawing up its Pentagon budget for next year. It also approved $534 million for an alternate engine for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, another program that Obama, backed by the Pentagon, says is unwarranted and would subject the entire bill to a veto.
The defense bill authorizes $550 billion for defense programs and $130 billion for military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan and for other anti-terrorist operations.